At any given time a Councillor will have a number of issues ‘on the go’, working to get them resolved. I thought it might be useful to say a few words about some of the more important general ones. I exclude, of course, anything that might be personal to a constituent.
Promoted by Stephen Reid, 34 Centurion Way, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke RG22 4TJ
6th May 2024
In January I was told that the flooding on the Kempshott roundabout at the end of last year had been caused by a Thames Water system surcharging into the road, and that they had been on site to rectify the issue. Sadly, we can all see that whatever was done was not successful.
Today (6th May) the road was flooded again, and it seems to be a regular occurrence. The photo shows a large puddle today, but in past weeks it has completely shut down one lane on the roundabout.
I have written to the County Council to report that the problem has not been cured, which means that either the Thames Water repairs were not successful or there is a second cause. I have asked for the situation to be investigated again.
8th January 2024
The adoption of the roads in the Broadmere Road area is inching towards completion, but I must admit to finding it a frustrating process.
Taylor Wimpey have carried out a large package of works to ensure the area has been brought up to an adoptable standard – not always popular changes, but necessary.
Outstanding now is the replacement or repair of some streetlights that are not working. I spoke to an officer today about this (8th January 2024). He reported that some columns need to be moved and therefore replaced, but the old-style units are no longer available. The Council is therefore allowing Taylor Wimpey to use the same lamp units that HCC would use if a replacement was needed.
The legal documents have been drawn up, so everything is ready once the lights have been fixed.
After that, there will be some detailed issues to pursue, but my priority is to get the roads adopted, so I am going to hold off on those until the main objective has been achieved.
2nd January 2024
I have reported the flooding on the Kempshott roundabout. This piece of road has been the subject of flooding in the past, but things improved after works were carried out. However, the current flooding show no sign of going down.
I have asked what the cause of the current problem might be (other than the incessant rain!). Is it that a drain has been blocked, or possibly that the water table has risen so high that it stops the soakaways from working?
I will report back when I know the answers, and chase for remedial action.
28th July 2023
I have received some positive news regarding progress towards adopting the roads in the Broadmere Road area. The preparatory works (including ensuring access to the soakaways) have been completed and now the developers are moving onto the next phase.
Remedial works will start on the roads themselves on 7th August. This will include the whole of what the developers called ‘Phase F’. Then, from 21st August, there will be extensive resurfacing of Broadmere Road along the first section where it has deteriorated considerably.
There will be some disruption, I’m afraid. The resurfacing works will be carried out overnight. I assumed that this would be the case, as it would be unacceptable to restrict access to the doctors’ and dental surgeries when they are open during the day. Traffic signs advising the proposed closure dates will appear soon.
Obvious concerns will centre round noise and access to properties and, in anticipation of questions, I have asked for a mitigation plan.
Once the repairs and resurfacing have been completed and the street lighting defects resolved, the biggest obstacles to getting the roads adopted will have been overcome and I then I will be pressing for an actual adoption date for the roads.
16th November 2022
It looks as if the boundary dispute that was holding up progress on the road adoptions has been resolved by the developers and the householders.. It appears that this was achieved without having to go to a tribunal. I might ask why it took so long to agree a solution that must have been there all the time, but let’s not go there.
Progress can therefore resume on getting the local roads adopted. That is still going to take some months, I’m afraid. First of all the roads, the street future and the lighting have to be brought up to an adoptable standard, and then accepted by the Hampshire County Council. Then all the legal agreements have to be signed.
But the good news is that residents should soon start to see the rectification programme put into action, and that is the prize that everyone wants. I will keep monitoring.
2nd September 2022
This seems to happen with monotonous regularity – no less than three posts that protect the field off Danebury Road have been removed. The posts are there to defend the open space against possible illegal trespass with vehicles.
I have written to the officers at the Borough Council to ask if the posts can be replaced. They have been helpful in the past in addressing this issue.
I am hoping that a more robust solution might be found to this recurring problem.
August 2022
The adoption of these roads has been delayed by an issue involving a private property and access to drainage. Everyone is hoping that it will be resolved by a tribunal, which is due to meet in the Autumn of 2022.
In the meantime, responsibility for the roads and street furniture remains the responsibility of the developers. Given that Broodmere Road is the access point to the shops and the Beggarwood Community Centre, it gets a lot of traffic, and the surface is visibly breaking down. I understand that the developers have set the wheels in motion for a contractor to attend and am hopeful that repairs will be made soon.
I believe Kempshott Lane needs to be resurfaced along long stretches from heather Way to Five Ways. I have made representations to the County Officers.
The Officers advise me that a surface dressing (as has been done on some of the roads off Kempshott Lane) is not appropriate: the road needs repairing and relaying. That’s an expensive operation.
I will continue to press for the work to be done. I am particularly concerned about the safety of cyclists in Kempshott Lane.
Although the build rate at Hounsome Fields has been slower than the developers intended, I am still keen to see planning under way for the new school there. To that end, I am in the process of arranging a meeting with the County Officer to discuss what happens next, and that meeting is likely to happen in the first half of September.